
Alexander wrote his first computer program on a Commodore 64 at the age of twelve back in the early nineties. He started his professional career as a software developer in 2000 programming in Java and Perl. By then he had tried languages like QBasic, Pascal, C, x86 assembler, and Visual Basic.

He joined his first Scrum team seven years later and hasn’t looked back. Scrum, and especially the values underlying agile ways of working felt like a missing piece of a puzzle to him, and he has continued exploring them ever since. For the last decade he has worked in and with agile teams: as team member—developer, developer in test, or QA—and as Scrum master or Scrum coach.

As developer, Alexander has always been interested in the principles of software engineering and has especially taken interest in software quality. He has acquired his theoretical knowledge mostly by reading books and reviewing them on a small, but popular enough site.

He always pushes the quality line, and working with both small and large clients has allowed him to explore the related challenges. He has been part of several teams’ journeys towards continuous delivery on both the Java and .NET platforms. This combined experience allowed him to write a book eventually: Developer Testing—Building Quality into Software, which was published in Mike Cohn’s Signature Series in 2016.

Software is created in the dynamics between people and between teams. Alexander took interest in this dimension of the profession around year 2010 and has done his best to learn about coaching, facilitation, and leadership by attending the appropriate trainings and putting his new skills to use. He also enjoys teaching, and has done numerous workshops on topics like clean code, agile testing, continuous delivery, BDD, developer testing, and scrum.

Alexander has been the CTO of ILT Inläsningstjänst, a company with the vision to make information equally available to all students, for two years before going on a parental leave.

Alexander’s formal training includes: MSc Computer Science, BSc Business Administration and Economics, Certified architect, Certified Scrum Professional, and Professional Coach.

His public speaking experience includes conferences like Jfokus, Øredev, Agile Testing Days, SeleniumConf, XP Days, and a number of national conferences and user group meetings.